Solos must have piano accompanists. It is the student's responsibility to secure an accompanist for this event.
The cost is $6.00 per solo, and $4.00 per student involved in duets, trios, etc.
Checks should be made payable to SHS Band Boosters.
The piece of music you plan to perform must be listed on the registration.
Once our student registration is submitted, the committee will schedule students. You may end up on Friday evening or during the day Saturday.
All solos and ensembles will be scheduled at eight-minute intervals. The time limit for any solo and ensemble will be the allotted time for that event. The judge or chairman can terminate a performance when the time is up. If a director has a solo or ensemble which requires more playing time than the assigned eight minutes, he should pay for another time slot and state this on the registration form.
All events will be judged in accordance with the national competition in which five ratings are used as follows:
Rating I: Represents the best conceivable performance for the event and class being judged; worthy of the distinction of being recognized as a first place performance- a grade of 27-30: SUPERIOR.
Rating II: An exceptional performance in many respects but not worthy of the highest rating due to minor defects in performance or to ineffective interpretation- a grade of 21-26: EXCELLENT.
Rating III: A good performance but not outstanding, showing accomplishments and marked promise but lacking in one or more essential qualities- a score of 15-20: GOOD.
Rating IV: An average performance but not worthy of a III rating- a grade of 9-14: FAIR.
Rating V: Much room for improvement – a grade of 0-8: POOR.
A. Rating Scale: The aim of the Solo and Ensemble Committee is to have every student performance be evaluated using the same ratings scale for each caption. The rating scale for each judge is as follows: Rating I : Superior 5 points Rating II : Excellent 4 points Rating III : Good 3 points Rating IV : Fair 2 points Rating V : Poor 1 point The points awarded for each of the 5 captions will be added together to determine the final rating. The point system for the final overall rating is as follows: Rating I : Superior 27-30 points Rating II: Excellent 21-26 points Rating III: Good 15-20 points Rating IV: Fair 9-14 points Rating V: Poor 0-8 points
B. The decisions of the judges are final. Ratings will stand as stated by the judges.
C. The final overall rating will be determined by adding the rating points of the six captions.
D. Any students not completing the requirements of the event will receive a rating of “For Comments Only.”
Certificates will be given for II (Excellent) Ratings and I (Superior) Ratings. B. Certificates will be distributed to directors for each performer in each event which earns a superior or excellent rating. C. Any soloist or member of an ensemble receiving a I (Superior) Rating is eligible to purchase a Solo and Ensemble Medal (red and white).
1. Any piece of music performed at Solo and Ensemble Performance Assessment must generally be recognized to be an integral composition (arrangement or original), written for the instrument upon which it is to be executed and performed in its entirety. Exception: woodwind choir, brass choir, percussion ensembles larger than a quintet, and mallet instruments (xylophone, marimba, bells, chimes).
2. Performers may play single movements of multiple movement compositions.
3. Any music not in accordance with current copyright laws will not be accepted.
4. An original copy of the music with the measures numbered must be provided for the adjudicator.
5. All solos written with piano accompaniment must be played with that accompaniment. Any accompaniment written for ensembles may be used but is not required. Accompaniments are not judged and will not affect the final rating, except to the extent to which the quality of “ensemble" is dependent upon it. The rationale is that since it may be difficult to determine who is liable for a lack of ensemble, the student(s) performing for a rating would bear that responsibility.
6. In the case of music that is electronically downloaded for performance, the director must verify that the download is in compliance with copyright law and provide that verification (on the official “Copyright compliance” form) including the site from which it was downloaded. It must also specify whether the piece is electronically purchased or public domain. This should be included with the music which is to be provided to the judges.