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Dear Students and Parents,

We are excited to have you join the SHS Band program!  It is our distinct honor to have you be a part of our experience with this amazing group of young people, their parents, and our program instructors.  The Summerville Band has known a long and rich heritage of success and a respected place in SC band history.  We have been handed a bright torch, burning for more than 50 years in the community, and we believe that it is our responsibility to send it to future generations with the same dignity and quality with which it came to us.  On behalf of all our band family, WELCOME!! 

Joining a high school band program can be a daunting endeavor.  It is our desire to help you make the transition into our organization as seamlessly as possible so that you can feel like you have a handle on things.  To help understand some of the inherent value in continuing in band in high school, click HERE to read about some of the benefits of being in band!

National Association for Music Education also has statistical information related to students in the arts! Click HERE!

Where do I start? 

Getting your contact information to us is the first step.  It's important that we are able to reach you and/or get information to you in a timely manner.  

  • Student Information Form: This is the most important step in getting into our system and becoming a part of the organization.  This comprehensive form needs to be completed by a PARENT OR GUARDIAN, and it must be completed thoroughly.  EVERY STUDENT IN THE PROGRAM NEEDS TO COMPLETE THIS FORM.   (Please only complete it once.)

  • Students sign up for either Band I, Band II, Band IIIH, Band IVH or Band VH. Incoming Freshmen CAN TAKE MARCHING BAND/PE for their PE credit. Many students receive a unit of high school credit (Band I) in middle school in DD2. In those cases, students begin high school in Band II.  Any student who did NOT receive a unit of high school band in middle school will start in Band I in high school. 

  • Band is a year-long experience.  There is no way to maintain a successful program with a smattering of students in one semester and the rest in another.  Our administration are committed to having our students in band year long, every day. Therefore, students will have a band class on their schedules AS WELL as a band REHEARSAL class so that they receive two units.  Having obtained PE Credit for a year of marching band certainly helps with the course placement.  

  • Students are placed in band periods based on audition results and/or teacher recommendations.  If you are not currently correctly registered for band, please email Mr. Gilreath immediately, and he will be able to get it fixed for you. This only applies to students in grades 9-12.

  • Students must have a Physical Form completed by a Physician's office prior to the start of band camp.  The physical form PDF is available under REQUIRED FORMS with information regarding Dr's Care special deals. 

  • Participation Requirements for High School: For an exaplanation of participation requirements for marching band, click HERE to be taken to the marching band page.  There are options for students who either are not placed into the competitive ensemble or who have SHS sports team-related conflicts. 

  • Band Calendar: The full band calendar is on this website under the "Calendar" tab at the top.  This will help you plan for events, rehearsals, deadlines, performances, etc.  This will be your source of band schedule information!  Simply click on an event to see details related to that particular day's schedule. 

  • Join us in the SHS Band Boosters!: Our parent organization is the foundation of our support system.  It is also an excellent way for parents to get to know each other, keep up with everything important, and work toward an unforgettable experience with their students.  Being involved is the best way to help provide for student success!! 

  • Sign up for REMIND text alerts!  Directions for this are in the band handbook which is posted under "Our Program" on this website. 

  • Join the Band Booster Facebook Page!  This page is for band members and parents/guardians only.  It is a closed group.  You will need to request to be added. 

  • Explore the website:  Much of what you need to know about the band at Summerville can be found by exploring the full website.  How our programs are structured, what is expected, etc.   The links below can help take you to specific places on that may interest you: 

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